Shopping with a Designer--3 HOURS

$1497 USD

Level of difficulty

  • 1build
  • 2build
  • 3build

Price range of products

  • 1monetization_on
  • 2monetization_on
  • 3monetization_on

Have you ever found the most wonderful item for your home, brought it home, and realized what a mistake it was (color was wrong, size was "off", style didn't match anything you already own, etc...)? Then, you had to go find the receipt in the trash, find time to bring it back to the store, wait in line, only to realize when you got up to customer service, your receipt was outdated or you left a piece of the item back at home? "AAAARGH!!!!!" you scream, in your voice that resembles Charlie Brown after missing the football...And then wonder why you ever even bother going shopping at those really cool, hip stores?

Well, scream no more!

Come shopping with a pro! We take you to those cool, hip stores, with a plan in mind. You will find something you love, and it WILL be the perfect size, color, style to go PERFECTLY in your home, office, or apartment. You have us at your disposal, with our expert "eyes" and advice. No wasted time walking willy-nilly through a mall, eyes glazed over, and in a shopper's tizzy because they are "having a sale." (Added bonus: we pass along our designer discount to you in any store we have an account!)

Give us a call today, and "buy our eye" to help you find just the right pieces to complete the perfect look you want for your home, office, or apartment!